Find any 442- phone number in California

The 442 area code is an area code in California administered by the North American Numbering Plan. It serves portions of the Southern California region, including Imperial and San Diego counties, and parts of Riverside and San Bernardino counties. The 442 area code joined the North American Numbering Plan in 1997, when California underwent its initial area code divisions. Since then, the 442 area code has been in continuous service, as it has become increasingly necessary for California's growing population.

California's area codes are managed by the California Public Utilities Commission and the North American Numbering Plan Administration. By establishing the specific boundaries of area codes, it allows for better routing of calling signals, while also helping to preserve phone number availability and increase the number of 10-digit local calling arrangements. Therefore, the 442 area code serves the population of the Southern California region and ensures that users have an efficient and accessible phone system.