Find any 443- phone number in Maryland
The 443 area code was established in 1997 as a "split" from the 410 area code in Maryland. This area code covers the Eastern, Central and parts of the Western portions of the state, and is used to designate telephone numbers in Baltimore City and its surrounding counties. This area code is regulated by the North American Numbering Plan, which is a system that assigns phone numbers to individuals, businesses, and other entities in the United States, Canada and other parts of the world. This system ensures that the same phone numbers are not used in two different locations and helps to conserve resources.
The North American Numbering Plan is administered by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA). This organization is responsible for regulating the assignment of area codes and telephone numbers in the United States, as well as ensuring that the number of phone numbers available to businesses and individuals is not exceeded. NANPA works closely with telecommunications companies to ensure that the provision of phone numbers is consistent, efficient, secure and up-to-date. NANPA also works to ensure that the public understands the system of numbers assigned in the United States and works to educate the public on its importance.