Find any 623- phone number in Arizona

The 623 area code was created on December 14, 1999 and it is currently used for landlines in the Phoenix metropolitan area of Arizona. It was put in place after area code 602 was split to form the 602 and 480 area codes in a 1995 split. The 623 area code now serves the 21 cities and towns that make up Phoenix’s metro area, which include Avondale, Goodyear, Anthem, Glendale, and Peoria, among others.

The area code designation system used for the 623 area code is known as the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). The NANP is a system that the U.S. and Canada use to assign and coordinate telephone numbers with an area code, exchange code, and customer number. It was first created in the 1940s as a way to manage the increasing demand for telephone services. The system was later adopted by Mexico, the Caribbean nations, and most of the countries in Central America. Each area code is made up of 10 digit phone numbers, beginning with the three digit area code and ending with the seven digit customer number.