Find any 801- phone number in Utah
The 801 area code is an area code that is assigned to the state of Utah. It was established in 1947 when phone numbers were first assigned in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). Since then, Utah has had only one area code, 801, which covers the entire state.
The area codes assigned in the NANP are used to help identify the geographic regions where phone calls originate from. The 801 area code spans the entire state of Utah, with cities including Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, Logan, and the surrounding areas located in the 801 region. This area code is one of the original 86 area codes created from the NANP when it was established in 1947. Each three-digit area code is assigned to a geographic region of the United States. Utah is the only state to have an area code that only covers one geographic area. This make it easy for customers to remember and use, since it’s the only area code they need to remember.