Find any 878- phone number in Pennsylvania

The 878 area code is one of the state of Pennsylvania's area codes. It was created in 2018 as an overlay to the primary area codes of 724 and 412. This new area code is located in the western and northern parts of the state, in areas that include Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Altoona, Erie, and Johnstown. All Pennsylvania residents with a local telephone number must use the area code to complete their calls.

Area codes are part of the North American Numbering Plan, which assigns separate numbering plans for each country within the North American numbering region. Each country has its own area code, and the area codes are used to identify telephone numbers and make local, long-distance, or international calls. There are a total of ten area codes in Pennsylvania, and 878 serves as the newest addition to the already existing area codes. Numbers with the 878 area code are now accessible to customers of cell phone and mobile phone service providers. It helps to ensure that the plethora of telecommunication customers are able to access phone numbers throughout the state.