Find any 971- phone number in Oregon

The 971 area code is designated for use in the state of Oregon in the United States. This area code was introduced in May 2000, when it replaced the 503 area code. The 971 area code is part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP); this is an interconnected system of telephone networks that covers the US, Canada, and many other countries.

The NANP divides the US and Canada into various local calling areas or regions, each of which is assigned its own area code. Area codes are used in the NANP to indicate which regional calling area a phone number belongs to. Each area code is three digits long and is used in conjunction with a seven-digit local phone number in order to make a complete ten-digit phone number. For example, all numbers in the 971 area code will begin with the prefix “971-xxx-xxxx.” The 971 area code is used in Oregon and encompasses cities such as Portland, Bend, and Salem, among others.