Find any 979- phone number in Texas
The 979 area code is located in the state of Texas and was created during a split from the 409 area code. It was created in 2003 due to the increasing demand for telephone lines in this region. Both area codes are part of the North American Numbering Plan, a system that designates telephone numbering plan areas within a certain geographic area.
In 2018, the 979 area code began an overlay plan with the 936 area code to meet the growing demand for additional telephone numbers. This plan requires all new numbers in this region to have 10-digit dialing. Both 288 and 936 area codes are used in this region and numbers may have different area codes within the same area.
The NANP system helped standardize the numbering plans in North America, including the United States and its territories, and parts of Canada and the Caribbean. The plan also creates uniform dialing patterns, allowing people to dial phone numbers without having to indicate the area code. This system enables people to call each other without lengthy codes, which helps keep the communication process efficient and cost-effective.